Sunday, September 29, 2013


Yes! Something special for the farm keeper grows in the garden.

Just watch him!

O My Hippie Cat!!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Keledek Jepun / Japanese Sweet Potatoes

We love the Japanese Sweet Potatoes. Normally bought them from the supermarket. Decided to try and grow some. Voila! After 2 weeks, we saw this:

Not sure how much longer till we can harvest this:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Riverpark Farm Inspired

I couldn't find milk crates like the Riverpark Farm's. Ended up using plastic laundry baskets instead.
Too anxious to start farming.Too ambitious maybe. Bought packets of seeds, carrots, chinese parsley, tomatoes, egg plants. Bought bags of black soils from the local hardware store. Put them in the backyard.  Water them everyday (almost). Shower them with love.I guess that wasn't enough. None of them grew up like to even 1 inch height.Well, most of them didn't even show up.

 Tomatoes to be

 Carrots wannabe

Chinese parsley

Riverpark Farm inspired!

Watch the video! That's how they use the milk crates.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Kacang Panjang Merah / Red Long Beans

The long beans are finally here and they are in red!
We bought the seeds from Sandakan, Sabah.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Indian Borage, Cuban Oregano, French Oregano, Bangun-Bangun, or Omavalli?

It sure smells like oregano but we still are not sure how to use it in cooking. Found some interesting information from the link below.

"This 'oregano' is actually Indian borage (Plectranthus barbatus), a fuzzy, fleshy-leafed herb thought to be native to India that's also found in Australia....."  
